Thursday 20 June 2024

Essential Rules To Succeed

  •  The day a blind man sees, the first thing he throws away is the stick
  • Half of the troubles in life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough
  • Time, Health, Quiet Mind, Slow Morning, Travelling Ability, Loving House are the six luxuries one can have
  • If you spend time chasing butterflies they will still fly away. Instead spend time making a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come. Dont chase attract.
  • You can become unstoppable when you work on your mindset, character and personality
  • When people talk, listen completely since most do not
  • Keep your attention focused entirely on what is truly your concern and be clear that what belongs to others is none of your business
  • I constantly see people rise in life who are not the smartest, not the talented ones, sometimes not even the most diligent but those who love to learn and adapt surely do
  • The secret of your success is found  in your daily rotine
  • If you cannot decide then the answer is no
  • The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything
  • Travel and tell no one, live a true love story and tell none. Live a happy life and tell none. People are jealous and ruin good and beautiful things
  • Win through actions, not arguments
  • If you're serious about your life, you'll find a way. If not you'll find an excuse
  • Reading an hour a day is only 4% of your day
  • Talk less, do more
  • Brag less, create more
  • Distract less, learn more
  • Gossip less, give more
  • Hate less, love more
  • Patience, consistency, practise and discipline
  • Dont waste time with explanations, people will only hear what they want to hear
  • Problems are part of life, facing thrmmis an art of life
  • As you start to walk the way, the way appears
  • 99% of the world want to make themselves better. Only 1% want the world to be more forgiving
  • Some listen only to reply, very few listen to understand
  • Consistency wins, not intensity
  • Tough time dont last, tough people do
  • Slow walk is better than walking back or standing still
  • You grow fasternonce you overcome the fear of looking stupid
  • Do, do not dream about doing
  • The less self confidence you have the more external validation you seek
  • Anxiety is thinking too much and not acting enough
  • Regret is wasting more time on wasted time
  • Do not raise your voice improve your argument or bargaining
  • Lower your expectations and increase your gratitude

Saturday 8 June 2024

How to be happy in everyday life


Small things that'll make you happy in your everyday life

  1. Inhaling the soothing scent of essential oils.
  2. Nestling into a perfectly made bed.
  3. Delighting in the fragrance of fresh flowers.
  4. A hot cup of bed tea.
  5. Finding peace in morning meditation.
  6. Enjoying breakfast in the warm sun.
  7. A leisurely long drive.
  8. Crafting vision boards to manifest dreams.
  9. The sound of crashing waves.
  10. An impeccably clean room.
  11. Indulging in a hot bowl of your favorite meal.
  12. Journaling and penning down you everyday thoughts.
  13. Grooving to your favorite song after a long day.
  14. Reconnecting with an old friend through a heartfelt text.
  15. The refreshing feeling of a shower after a long day.
  16. Whipping up a special dessert just for yourself.
  17. Dressing up for a brunch.
  18. The warmth of a tight hug from your parents.
  19. A good book while curled up in a lounge chair.
  20. Finding fulfillment in feeding a stray animal.
  21. Writing a thankyou note to your house help.
  22. The first look of a clean-up cupboard.
  23. Embracing the freedom of a day with no plans or obligations.  

10 Lessons From 5 AM Club

  •  Early to rise: Waking up at 05:00 is a powerful habit that can transform your life. 
    • They provide a peaceful and distraction free environment to start the day.
  • Commit to a routine
    • It sets the tone for the rest of the day, ensures first few hours in a clear manner.
  • 20/20/20
    • 20 minutes for exercise - 05:00 to 05:20
    • 20 minutes for meditation - 05:20 - 05:40
    • 20 minutes for reading - 05:40 -06:00
  • Read something new, progressive and with a growth mindset
  • Set your goals within a certain time frame
  • Understand that mental and physical well-being is best within 05:00-06:00
  • Surround yourself with right people
  • Be disciplined: Wake up at 05:00 daily
  • Celebrate your wins, however small it is. 

Ways To Stay Happy With An Unhappy Partner

 Choose Self-fulness: Self fulness is the practice of nourishing your own well-being, joy and fulfillment as the foundation for showing up fully for others. Set boundaries that honor your limitations, embracing personal interests and self-care and building your self-esteem from within rather than external validation.

Surround Yourself with a Compassionate Support System: Friends and family can offer invaluable perspective and emotional grounding so that you don't navigate alone. We all thrive in a safe non-judgment space held by our support system.

Recognize The Limits of your Agency Over another's inner life: Adjust expectations and be willing to accept that each person has their own path. You cannot influence your partner's happiness alone and your worth is not defined by fixing them.

Practice gratitude for what is present rather than what's absent: Appreciation lifts the veils of negativity to reveal the good that's still flowing. Mindset shift from what's lacking to the goodness that exists adds to personal happiness

Identify Shared Interests That Spark Mutual Joy: By engaging in positive activities together, you can find moments and connections and joy. 

Seek Professional Help: If your partner's unhappiness significantly impacts the relationship. Encourage them to seek therapy. 

How to Avoid Negativity From Life

 7 Ways to Avoid Negativity from Life

  1. Spend time with individuals who uplift and support you. Positive company can influence your outlook and provide a healthier perspective on life.
  2. Focus on things you are grateful for both big and small. Frequent and regular gratitude expressions can shift your focus away from negativity. 
  3. Reduce exposure to negative or sensationalized media that can affect your emotions, watch comedy, humor, hear music, romance, animation, dance etc. 
  4. Focus on finding solutions instead of dwelling on problem. 
  5. Say NO to activities or situations that drain your energy to negativity. 
  6. Pursue hobbies, interests and activities that bring joy and fulfillment
  7. Incorporate mindfulness and meditation practices into your daily routine. 

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Financial Tips

  •  Do not pay penalty or late fees 
  • Save 12% or 15% or 20% increase savings as earnings increase
  • Pay your bad debts immediately
  • Never pay minimum due, pay off principal and complete dues partially or faster
  • Track your expense, else you won't know where you are overspending
  • Never neglect retirement
  • Always find the best deal
  • Spend only for those which you have prioritized 
  • Live below your means always
  • Buy insurance for life, illness, accidents, burglary and disasters


Essential Rules To Succeed

 The day a blind man sees, the first thing he throws away is the stick Half of the troubles in life can be traced to saying yes too quickly ...