Sunday, 24 March 2024

How To Help Someone Who Is Depressed

You don't need to be feel helpless, if someone close to you is suffering from depression.

Reach Out: Depression is very isolating experience, so first reach out them as a first aid.

Depressed People Feel Isolated: The most common thing people do when they are isolated is cut themselves off from the world around them, the most beneficial thing to do with anyone who is depressed is to surround them with people.

Have Patience: Don't be afraid to call or text even if they aren't super responsive. It's always easier to reach out rather than leaving it up to them.

Avoid Cliches: Avoid cliches like "Things will get better"

  • "Tomorrow is another day"
  • "I Know how you're feeling"

It will get better: Never say "It'll get Better"

Empathy: Better say "Sorry that this happened to you" or "You don't deserve this"

Everyone has their own coping strategies: Being around the person and allowing them to know that you won't flee if they cry enough for them to feel less isolated.

Validate how they are feeling: Acknowledge you cannot fix the person's problems or telling them things will be better - You are trying to validate their feeling.

If you don't know how you can help, try asking!: Ask, don't guess what the other person require.

Acceptance: Another person need to vent, another person want may want you to sit with him and watch TV, accept where the person is at

Listening is everything: Be there for your friend and listen to him when they are ready to speak.

Be Patient: Your friend need someone to hear them out, they will bottle it to be told to you or someone else

Come from a place of nonjudgement: Accept what the person is feeling without any judgement or prejudice

Keep your expectations low: Understand that just sitting with them is OK

Just sitting with them is enough: They should know that there is someone worthy enough to go out of the way for them

You're not expected to fix it: You're not an entertainer or being funny will not pull them out of the dark, being there is required not comedy.

Be helpful: Depression often makes simple tasks impossible, lend a practical hand for anyone who is depressed.

Offering a hand might go a long way: Help to clean the dishes, tidy up the home, being in organized space is easy and more comfortable, aesthetically pleasing boosts people's mood.

Be delicate and tread lightly: Flowers are very good gifts at this time, makes comfy for anyone.

Exercise is hugely beneficial: Physical exercise battles depression in a massive way, invite your friend for a walk or to partake any form of physical activity

Lead by example: Take the lead role which may aid to get you both moving

Encourage them to get help: Encourage outside help, particularly professional help.

They may become offended: Telling someone that they should see a therapist is a tricky say, they may very easily get offended.  Are they putting themselves or others in harm's way?

Depression is not just feeling sad, it can put someone's life in jeopardy. It's OK to ask whether they have thought of harming themselves and don't feel that you have accidentally put this idea into their head.

Show that you care: If the person is feeling worthless or unwanted, the most valuable thing you can give them is to show them how much you care.

If it's serious, ask a professional help: If it is likely to go out of your hands, when you feel that professionals may hand your friend better, go for it.

There's no quick fix: Depression can never be solved overnight or fixed with few conversations, It is common mistake to give up on a friend when they're not responsive.

Don't forget to take care of your own mental health: Being supportive is very taxing, take the time to take care of your mental health. 

Continue to encourage and support them: Keep up the supportive messages, the hopeful words and stick around. Just getting the message that you're not going anywhere can be helpful and encouraging to your friend. 

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