Thursday 23 May 2024

10 Hacks For Mastering Hard Subjects

  •  Break It Down
    • Divide the subject matter into smaller chunks. Focus on mastering only one concept at a time.
  • Understand Fundamentals
    • Have solid grasp of foundational concepts. 
  • Active Learning
    • Engage with material actively than passively writing notes, reading texts etc. Participate in discussions or write a mock test atleast. 
  • Teach Others
    • I found this as the most effective way of learning when I was young. Explain it to friends, classmates or even tell out loudly for an imaginary classroom
  • Utilize Multiple Resources: Don't rely on your textook, notes or guide alone. See video, lectures or academic journals to gain different perspectives also to make matter interesting
  • Practice: Practice problems, exercises and sample questions repeatedly and regularly. 
  • Use mnemonics: Acronym and memory aids can be used for formulas
  • Stay Organized: Keep your notes, study materials, pen, papers, resources highly organized, Sit in bright light and with good ventilation. 
  • Seek Help When Needed:
  • Stay Motivated: Set easy achievable goals, reward yourself with treat for progress

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