Monday 3 June 2024

10 Traits to manage

  • Love Bombing: Women in the first few weeks of dating make you feel like a king. Giving you gifts, buying you food and praising you.
  • False Promises: She'll say one thing but never follow through with her promise. Telling you she wants to travel the world, will do X date with you, but never does.
  • Pain and Pleasure: She blurs the line with pain then introduces pleasure to make things feel great again. A woman arguing with you will want physical pleasure after to make you forget about the argument
  • Gaslight: She makes you think a past experience never happened by confusing you. She will tell you 'you're acting crazy' and 'that never happened'
  • A Real Man Does X: Women telling you a 'real man should do X' is her way of putting you into a box. She'd tell you a 'real man would buy me flowers' hoping for you to follower her rules. 
  • Constantly Testing Your Boundaries: Women test boundaries to see where they lie. If you've none, she'll walk all over you and try to get away with as much as she can. 
  • She compare You With Her Past Lovers: She say things like 'All the others I dated would never....' or 'My ex would always....'
  • She keeps saying stuffing like "We'll see" or "Maybe" instead of giving you a clear yes or no
  • She tells you that you are overthinking or being jealous. When you can clearly see she is being too friendly with other guys.
  • Trust a person's action not their words. 

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