Saturday 8 June 2024

How to be happy in everyday life


Small things that'll make you happy in your everyday life

  1. Inhaling the soothing scent of essential oils.
  2. Nestling into a perfectly made bed.
  3. Delighting in the fragrance of fresh flowers.
  4. A hot cup of bed tea.
  5. Finding peace in morning meditation.
  6. Enjoying breakfast in the warm sun.
  7. A leisurely long drive.
  8. Crafting vision boards to manifest dreams.
  9. The sound of crashing waves.
  10. An impeccably clean room.
  11. Indulging in a hot bowl of your favorite meal.
  12. Journaling and penning down you everyday thoughts.
  13. Grooving to your favorite song after a long day.
  14. Reconnecting with an old friend through a heartfelt text.
  15. The refreshing feeling of a shower after a long day.
  16. Whipping up a special dessert just for yourself.
  17. Dressing up for a brunch.
  18. The warmth of a tight hug from your parents.
  19. A good book while curled up in a lounge chair.
  20. Finding fulfillment in feeding a stray animal.
  21. Writing a thankyou note to your house help.
  22. The first look of a clean-up cupboard.
  23. Embracing the freedom of a day with no plans or obligations.  

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